A Father’s Day Tribute to My Husband: An Example to Follow

A Father’s Day Tribute to My Husband

To my kids: Today I want to let you know some more of our story.  While your dad and I were in college, we were on summer mission teams together for two years.  Your dad was so excited to work with the children up in Canada.

He told them God loved them and wanted them to go to His Heaven some day.  He was so glad when 6 little boys from camp wanted to accept what Jesus had done for them- dying for their sins and giving them a way to be right with God.

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When I called and said that I wanted him to come visit, your dad talked his dad into letting him borrow the car and drove 4 hours to come over to see me the next day.   That was the beginning of our dating.

Father’s Day Tribute: Snail mail

While we were dating, he wrote me almost every day- by snail mail!      A Father's Day Tribute to my husband: Picture shows parents of the bride, myself the bride, my husband and parents of the groom standing at the front of the church

When my dad asked us to wait till I graduated from college to get married, he agreed to wait.

Your Dad Eats My Cooking! 

One time when I put the chicken in the oven to roast, I put the rack too high in the oven. That poor chicken caught on fire! I went out on the front stoop of the house and cried.

He put the fire out, aired out the house, and then came and sat outside with me, and put his arm around me.  He has eaten some pretty weird-looking meals over the years.

Father's Day Tribute: A very weird looking meat pie with triangles of burnt cheese on top. Text reads, "Is this a real recipe or did you make this up?"

When I had a toddler and was very sick one year (I think it was bronchitis, coughing so hard I thought I had broken a rib and I was pregnant), he started washing the dishes for me every night.  He kept it up for over a year, and never mentioned it.

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Father's Day Tribute: Picture of dishes in sink. Text reads, He washed the dished.

When I over-committed to help at church, he fussed at me, then helped me finish the project.  Several times.

One year one of the wise men at church couldn’t make it for the Christmas play, so he wore a towel on his head and a bathrobe and filled in to help me out.

Father’s Day Tribute: For His Children

He paid for piano lessons for you, even when he was going deaf and couldn’t hear you play.  Your dad paid for voice lessons even when he couldn’t hear you sing.

Father's Day tribute: Picture shows young man playing the piano. Text reads, "He paid for music lessons, though he couldn't hear you play.

He was the shop teacher that helped you take apart an engine, and put it back together.  Your dad helped you refinish furniture, made dollhouses and made projects for Christmas craft fair- year after year.

Father's Day Tribute: Picture shows a smiling 6 year old girl with the "A"-frame dollhouse she built with her dad.

Mr. Adventuresome himself took all of us camping all across the country and into Canada, over and over again.

When there was no one to teach the young children at church, he taught Little Pilgrims Progress.  When the teens needed a teacher, he taught them.  For 3 1/2 years the church was without a pastor so he spoke at church.

Father's Day Tribute: Picture shows husband Preaching at church

He took down the barn.  With the family’s help, he built the garage.  Renovating our old farmhouse one room at a time, painting, doing cement work on the outside of the house 2 feet down, cement work in the basement, electrical wiring, painting, planting, mowing, trimming: he did it all. And still does!

He worked, and still works, very hard to keep the property looking not just nice, but stunning.  My husband is amazing.

Now in retirement, he likes to go help others with their projects. We have done projects in San Francisco, CA, Denver, CO, Eager, Arizona (Grand View Camp) and Charlotte, NC. I’m excited to see where we are headed next.

Father's Day Tribute: Picture shows couple in beautiful and well manicured yard

Thank you, Edward.  I love you, Elizabeth.

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5 Replies to “A Father’s Day Tribute to My Husband: An Example to Follow”

  1. Elizabeth… Great tribute to your hubby! Happy Dad’s day, Edward! Nana <

  2. What a beautiful tribute to your blessed and hard working husband. We know that the greatest among us is the servant of all. Thank you for sharing!

    Lisa Hamilton
    Author “His Legacy of Love”

  3. What did I think? I think you married a godly man who loves his family dearly.

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