Home schooling: Teach My Child? Who? Me?!

Are you thinking of home schooling your child? Teach my child? Who? Me?!  [clickToTweet tweet=”‘Christian education is not a type of education merely; it is the education of Christians—individual Christians. It is ‘leading out the called-out’ from wherever they are to wherever God wants them to be’. Sutton https://wp.me/p8m9Kn-32 #goalaccomplish1 #homeschool #homeschooling” quote=”“Christian education is …

Homeschooling: Teach Your Children Bible Principles for What to Read

Teach Your Children Bible Principles for What to Read With homeschooling, you can teach your children Biblical principles for what to read. Make sure you do! This was especially important in our family as our children became readers. There was no way I could pre-read all the books before my children read them so we came …